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The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Customer Reviews
:- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Simon Cartoon -- The best Kindle edition I've found so far : This edition offers an unabridged original text, with modified footnotes. It avoids the 'interpaginated' footnotes of other editions that I find distracting...footnotes are moved to the end of each chapter, allowing an unbroken reading experience. The footnotes themselves have been 'abridged', but in a way that I think is useful for the modern reader...Latin/Greek/French footnotes have been removed, along with footnotes that simply cite the source without other commentary. I think this is the right balance. ( Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2020 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from tef1303 -- An Unread Classic, Worth reading or listening to. : I listened to the Audible version narrated by Charlton Griffin while following along on the ebook version. This represents about 2 months of nearly obsessive labor, plodding on through a morass of names and characters as the landscape grows increasingly dark and malevolent. The happiest chapters are the first two and there is a steady degeneration of the character and accomplishments of the Romans and their surrogates over the next 12 centuries. The final chapters are devoted to the misbehavior and vices of the residents of Rome in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance period—the banal mischief wrought by these unworthy denizens makes Gibbons’ point that the Roman Empire and Polity died from the inside more than from external invasions, plagues, and the sanguinary disputes of the Christian religious (Gibbons’ point of view). On the way to churning through this grim tale, I found myself appreciating the lapidary prose of the author and enjoying the way his sentences function as perfectly balanced statements of fact and intent. His diversions into custom, culture, economics, and the law actually proved more diverting than the tedious recitation of one psychotic and ineffectual monarch after another. If you want to understand how Churchill spoke and wrote, a grasp of Gibbons gives a good starting point. I believe everyone who aspires to an education about the history of the European and Middle Eastern world from the mid Second Century CE to the early Sixteenth Century needs to consider reading fully the unabridged version of this classic. It just happens to be very hard to finish, but well worth the effort if you succeed. ( Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from S. Mackelprang -- Overwhelming! : Having heard about this work for many years, decided to find out what all the fuss was about. I have to say this is not a " trivial " read. It was however for me, a detailed exploration of a history of Western civilization , from it's roots. One could spend a lifetime searching out and exploring all the events, people and major changes encompassed in these three volumes. For me, it was a journey well worth the time and effort. ( Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2020 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from John R. Krawczyk II -- Good Kindle version of Gibbon, free of distracting annotations : Excellent book, looked around the various Kindle versions and this one appears good. After reading several versions I decided against an annotated version of Gibbon. Thus I selected the non-annotated version here. This is because Gibbon has such a wonderful, paced style that I find detailed comments by various reviewers distracting, confusing and often an impediment to enjoying Gibbon's writing. ( Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2017 )
- 3.0 out of 5 stars from Brian J. Tarr -- Great value : You really couldn't ask for a more affordable copy of such a gigantic book. As someone else mentioned, it's really nice that you don't have to flip between pages to read the footnotes. On the other hand, I'm not crazy about the two column formatting. ( Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Emmet -- Much more than about Romans : If I had realized gibbons's decline in fall was about more than Romans I would have read this book a long time ago. Reading it on Kindle is extremely handy. There is no need to have to have other books alongside you to look up things. Pressing on the word comes up with a definition or the meaning of terms that are ancient and strange. ( Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from A. H. M. -- Nice size for being one volume : If anyone were searching for a complete and unabridged edition of Gibbon in one vokume, your search is over. It's not anything fancy (just the text and the footnotes, no modern academic essays). Margins are wide considering the book's length and there's space at the bottom of the page and ends of chapters. Font is small, but easily readable without my glasses. You could put sticky notes without covering part of the text. The footnotes (Gibbon's own and the editors') take up a good portion of the work (8374 to be exact) but are about the same font size as the main text. They're also on the same pages so no endless flipping back and forth. Would be a handy reference book, in which case the only flipping you would have to do would be between the table of contents and the desired chapter. ( Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2018 )
- 1.0 out of 5 stars from Stewart B. Atkinson -- Should be called Decline and Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire : I have the actual hardcover book. Whole book is only 405 pages and starts at chapter LIV. Covers from 660AD to 1204AD. It looks like they took a smaller soft-covered book and copied the pages into this hardcover. What a scam! You would have thought a book like this would have been printed in China but this one is homegrown. Do not buy this book. ( Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2019 )
- 1.0 out of 5 stars from Mr. David Moss -- Confidence-destroying formatting : Poor quality formatting of this edition ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 22, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from J V Moriarty -- Unsurpassed : Unsurpassed. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 14, 2018 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Mr Benjamin -- Great, but... : Great book but it isn’t the complete 6 volumes. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 27, 2018 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from Anthony Sakellis -- Four Stars : As described ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 13, 2018 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from G. Owen -- Four Stars : The best of the edited versions of the 1776 classic study. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 26, 2015 )
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:The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire - Wikipedia The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire : Gibbon... : Internet Archive Pdf The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire By The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 6 Volumes... (Pdf) The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire | Western Civilization The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire... History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire The Fall Of Rome: How, When, And Why Did It Happen? The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire - Book... - Youtube The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a six-volume work by the English historian Edward Gibbon. It traces Western civilization (as well as the Islamic and Mongolian conquests) from the height of the Roman Empire to the fall of Byzantium in the fifteenth century. Topics. Rome -- History Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D, Byzantine Empire -- History. The great work of Gibbon is indispensable to the student of history. The literature of Europe offers no substitute for "The Decline and Fall of the Roman "The gradual decline of the most extraordinary dominion which has ever invaded and oppressed the world; the fall of that immense empire, erected... Spanning thirteen centuries from the age of Trajan to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, "Decline & Fall" is one ... The death of the Roman Empire is one of the perennial mysteries of world history. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyright Acknowledgment The author and publisher gratefully acknowledge permission for use of the following material: From Roman The cybertech- nological explosions of the preceding decades seem to have propelled us into a new cultural age requiring new rules that make... The Fall of the Western Roman Empire was the process of decline during which the empire failed to enforce its rule, and its vast territory was divided The reasons for the decline of the Empire are still debated today, and are likely multiple. Historians infer that the population appears to have diminished... This work was published before January 1, 1926, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. *** start of the project gutenberg ebook decline and fall of the roman empire ***. Final Division Of The Roman Empire Between The Sons Of Theodosius.—Reign Of Arcadius And Honorius—Administration Of Rufinus And Stilicho.—Revolt And Defeat Of Gildo In Africa. Instead, the Roman Empire fell slowly as a result of challenges from within and without, changing over the course of hundreds of years until its form In his masterwork, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, historian Edward Gibbon selected 476 CE, a date most often mentioned by historians. The books cover the period of the Roman Empire after Marcus Aurelius, from just before 180 to 1453 and beyond, concluding in 1590. They take as their material the behaviour and decisions that led to the decay and eventual fall of the Roman Empire in the East and West, offering an explanation for... His Most Important Work, The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Was Published In Six Volumes Between 1776 And 1788. The Decline And Fall The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Everyman's, Edward Gibbon Di Tokopedia ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Cicilan 0% ∙ Kurir Instan. The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Is A Six-Volume Work By The English Historian Edward Gibbon. It Traces Western Civilization From The Rating: 4 12,914 Votes Edward Gibbon's Classic Timeless Work Of Ancient Roman History In 6 Volumes Collected Into 2 Box Sets, In Beautiful, Enduring Hardcover Editions With Elegant The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire" An Unapproacl18. ,Ie Subject To The Future Historian: In The Eloquent Language Of. ,Is Recent French Editor, 1\1. The Second Period Of The Decline And Fall Of Rome May Be Supposed To Commence With The Reign Of Justinian, Who, By His Laws, As Well As By His Victories, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume VI Audio CD Jual The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Everyman's ... The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volumes 1 to 6 The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Volume 1. History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Related searches the decline and fall of the roman empire pdf the decline and fall of the roman empire pdf free download the decline and fall of the roman empire volumes 1 to 6 pdf the decline and fall of the roman empire book the decline and fall of the roman empire full set the decline and fall of the roman empire summary how many pages is the decline and fall of the roman empire the decline and fall of the roman empire amazon
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